Wednesday, May 15, 2013

하.니.뿐. (A.D.T.O.Y)

Been gone for so long..hahaha...but i'm back and even though i'm late i am proud to say.... congratulation 2PM on the release of their new m/v titled  하.니.뿐. A.D.T.O.Y. it was awesome, the whole m/v and the song was so seductive and voluptuous,  it made me feel way better than what a good bar of melting cadbury chocolate can do....hehehehehe...all the member looked masculine and HOT and not to forget, beastly!!! The only pity was that the whole m/v was in black and white which pretty much did very little to show any of the member's chocolate tan, but still it didn't affect how they look coz they were practically oozing sexiness from every part of their body...But what took me by surprised is how sexy Ang Ang Wooyoung could be...i mean like seriously!! He was like topless and his chest was so perfect and broad that it looked like it was carved out....and Jun.K...was totally smokin it with his dreamy expression yet manage to retain his swagger....the others was  exceptionally sensual and seductive as well....2PM is the only idol group that makes me have tachycardia and hyperventilation....=)

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