Friday, May 17, 2013


Recently a  new 2PM comeback show was featured in Korea titled '2PM returns' depicting the boys journey in order to make their grand comeback this year. The show also reveal  their first concert after their comeback as they performed for both their new singles 'Comeback When You Hear This Song' and 'All Day Think Of You'. apart from that they also performed their previous hits such as 'Hands Up', 'Heartbeat', 'I'll Be Back' and 'I' cant'.

But what attracted my attention most was the parts where each the member will tell their pains and the challenges they faced through out the period of preparing for their comeback. And for some reason my respect for them just grew tremendously thinking how they never give up nor break apart from each other despite all the hurdles they faced. Instead they insisted to stick together and work really hard to bring themselves to their former glory and bring back all the fans who drifted away.

The part that made me cringe in pain is the one where junho injured himself badly during the acrobatic seriously ouch!!! He fell on his head from a height of about 2 meter. 

" I wanted to learn acrobatics, so I worked really hard. There was a time i fell directly onto my head from 2 meters (approximately 6.6 feet) and lost consciousness for about 2 minutes. Everyone was worried because they thought I might not be able to dance anymore. I landed on my left arm and the cartilage tore. Recently, we had the rehearsal for the Shanghai concert, but I couldn't stand. I went to the hospital and found out i had a spinal fracture."

Junho revealed his condition during the comeback show. But despite being on a wheelchair he never drop out of the concert and instead he bears with the pain and went for regular physiotherapy to make himself better in time for the comebacks. He also admitted...

"I had a concert the next day. I had no choice, so i was on a wheelchair until right before the stage. I wrapped my waist and i could only stand as i sang during the concert"

During the show they ask if he would give up dancing but he replied - ever so coolly - that giving up dance is like giving up his career as a singer and that he have always enjoyed himself despite the injuries and that he don't want to stop doing it. He just freakin climbed ten steps on my 'Cool People With Even Cooler Attitude' chart!!!

On the other hand poor Nichkhun came clean to apologize for his mistakes as he was charged for DUI last year. Though they admitted that it affected them as a group rather than just Nichkhun alone, they had no intention to  isolate him whatsoever from the group. Nichkhun was really apologetic and regretted his carelessness. He stated....

"I was so sorry to my fans and members, i cried in front of them for the first time.  I am a foreigner, yet my fans accepted me and pour out their love. but I've only betrayed and disappointed them."

Initially they were suggested to promote without Nichkhun or as a sub unit  but all the members rejected the notion strongly and decide to stay together no matter what happens. And Chansung said that "Wrongdoing is wrongdoings but Nichkhun hyung was very dear to us".

People do mistakes, and to realize that, regret that and apologize from their heart is very noble and I respect Khun for being such a sweetheart. And for the rest of the member, being in a group doesn't mean just living together and performing together without giving a shit about the others, but its more about their relationship and brotherhood loyalty towards each other. That is the reason why it was stated once that 2PM is one of the idol groups that are really close and intimate with each other.

They are the most awesome idol group I've ever laid my eyes and my heart upon...=)

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