Friday, April 26, 2013

FuN FacTs AbOUt ItALiaN MaGNaE!!!!

As i start to watch a lot of reality series featuring 2pm in their real life i started to love ChanSung for both his looks and his personalities...italian magnae keep stealing my attention with his cuteness n are somethings that i came to realise as i watch more and more of my aegyo magnae:-

1. He loves to eat...they even named him Bear Chansung and Eatnator Magnae...and he gets pretty angry if anyone touches his food...he looses attention to his surrounding when he is digging...and usually when he eats, his rice would be way above his bowl

2. He loves Banana, most of the time, the italiam magnae will be caught sitting alone stuffing banana...and i'm not talking about one or two but a whole bunch of it...that's how he got the nick name

3. He love to cutely nudge his fellow 2pm member but they just end up rolling on the floor coz the magnae is very strong...cute!

4. He loves to sleep on the floor than on the bed coz he said it is more comfortable to do so...he is roomate with Khun but instead he usually sleep in the hall of their dorm and eventually treat the hall as his room....hehehe

5. He is a sensitive person as he cries easily...during his training days in the hotblooded 2am and 2pm series, when Jo Kwon was thought to be eliminated, he cried continously and he looked like a boy rather than a strong beastly idol...

6. He loves seriously loves them...he even have a cat named Jeong Gam which he appear to be very close to...he treats it like his own child

7. He likes to do some weird but cute actions...and since he is the youngest of them all, it suits him so well...for example he eats his hyungs ( apparently he see his hyungs as food i suppose) he loves to do bitting action like he did to Taecyeon in Wild bunny and he did that to everyone except Khun...idk why...

8. he loves to read book, and not the manga sort of book but real book such as Allendon Botong's Uncertainty...he is actually a very thoughtful and deep thinking man compared to his cutely dumb image he potrays in his shows....

9. He loves to exercise and opened his own gym which was featured in the new drama series titled 7th level civil servant in which Chansung also acts as a trainee under NIS. He looked super hot and masculine...

10. In an episode of Pretty boy generation featuring 2pm, Leaderja exposes that Chansung, Junsu and Taecyeon doesn't wash up once they comeback to the dorm, instead they will loiter around, doing something else or even falling asleep before actually cleaning themselves up...hahaha...smelly Chansung!!!

11. He have 9 years practice of Taekwondo and 3 years of Kumdo...that is like super hot....and very sexy!! hehehehe...

12. He is just plain moment he's all normal and hot, the next he will be doing some weird but cute face....

13. He likes to yawn with his mouth wide open...wakakaka

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